Site Support

Browsers we support:

This site is responsive and designed to provide a consistent, optimized experience in modern web browsers on desktop computers, laptops, tablets and mobile devices. If you are using an old browser, please upgrade for a better online experience.
Click on the icon to get to the FREE download page.

Internet Explorer 10 and up Internet Explorer 10.0 and up

Microsoft Edge 20 and up and up Microsoft Edge 20.10240 and up

Mozilla Firefox 37 and up Mozilla Firefox 37.0.x and up

Google Chrome 41 and up Google Chrome 41.0.x and up

Safari 7 and up Safari 7 and up on Apple computers

Troubleshooting issues using the web site

Try reloading

If the site is taking a long time to respond, or if a page is timing out, try reloading. Go to the top of your browser window, click the Stop button and then click the Reload or Refresh button. To perform a hard refresh and bypass cached pages:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Hold down Ctrl and click F5.

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Hold down Ctrl and click F5.

  • Firefox
  • WINDOWS: Hold down Ctrl and Shift and then press R.
  • MAC: Hold down Cmd and Shift and then press R.

  • Chrome
  • WINDOWS: Hold down Ctrl and click F5.
  • MAC: Hold down Cmd and Shift and then press R.

  • Safari
  • Hold down Shift and then press Reload button on the toolbar.


For additional browser details: Read Bypass your cache

Clear your cache

Clearing your cache deletes temporary copies of web pages and forces your browser to grab a new version. Go to the Cache or Temporary Internet Files option in your browser (in the Tools or Options area), and delete the files stored in your cache. Then click the Reload or Refresh button.

Upgrade your browser

Most web sites will work best with the most current version of your browser. You should be able to upgrade to the newest version of your browser by going to the web site responsible for your browser (i.e., Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari for Mac). This is usually free of charge.

Clear your cookies

The problem may be caused by corrupted cookie files in your browser. Clearing your cookies should resolve the problem. For Internet Explorer, go to Tools > Internet Options > General > Browsing History. For Firefox, go to Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies.

Check any firewall settings

If you are protecting your system with a firewall, you may want to modify the firewall settings or try disabling temporarily in order to access the secure areas of our web site. If the problem is caused by a network firewall, you may want to ask your system administrator to reconfigure it.

Check for parental software

If you are using any type of parental control software, or if your Internet Service Provider has such controls active on your account, please be sure that these functions are disabled.

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